


Dead End



  Here are some of the images that I have created with POV-Ray.  Even though I've been doing this since about July of 2002, I really don't have a whole lot of things to show.  Generally, I spend a lot of time experimenting with various things, planning for the one day when I would actually throw everything together and create something really nice.  But the whole process is somewhat of a learning experience, so at some point, I have to say that something is "good enough for now" and move on to something else.  Perhaps some day, I'll come back to it, and improve upon it, or perhaps not.

To see more, you can look at the WIP's section (Works In Progress), which contains information about what I'm currently working on.  Or you can look at the Dead End section, which contains images that I eventually abandoned, for whatever reason.


Radio Graves:
This was the first time I had entered the IRTC (Internet Ray-tracing competition), and it was actually the first time that I had really tried to create something artistic, rather than simply experimental.  During the 2 months that I worked on this image, I had probably logged over 150 hours getting everything "just right".  In the end, it took approximately 2 days to render at 1024x768, leaving me only with a small buffer to get it submitted to the IRTC by the deadline of February 28, 2003.  I truly felt drained after working on that project and it was quite awhile before I really felt like being creative again with POV-Ray.  But, I guess the hard work paid-off, since I ended up with first place!

Later on, it bothered me quite a bit that the image seemed "too dark" or "low contrast", so I revised it a bit using more intense lighting (a brighter sun), which can be seen here.



Reaching Out:
Some time in May of 2003, I got started on this one, but since gardening is also one of my favorite past-times in the summer, I really didn't spend a whole lot of time working on it.  Finally, in November, I decided to finish it up.  There is more that I could have added, but I really wanted to start working on other projects.

This was my first attempt at doing something in POV-Ray that really showed some sort of artistic expression or significance.  Whether or not I succeeded, is up to you the viewer, I suppose.


Monarch Butterfly:
This was more of a test, than a real project, but I thought it turned out nicely.  I largely used objects that other people created: the twigs, the grass, and even parts of the butterfly.  But most of the butterfly was recoded, and the wings were real butterfly wings which I had scanned in (not an easy process, btw).  I hope to use the butterfly in other outdoor scenes.